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By Bernd Klein. Last modified: 20 Apr 2022.


Python Tutorial

  1. Intro to Python Tutorial
  2. History and Philosophy of Python
  3. The Interpreter, an Interactive Shell
  4. Execute a Script
  5. Structuring with Indentation
  6. Assignment Expressions
  7. Data Types and Variables
  8. Type Annotations
  9. Operators
  10. Sequential Data Types
  11. List Manipulation
  12. Shallow and Deep Copy
  13. Dictionaries
  14. Sets and Frozen Sets
  15. Sets Examples
  16. Keyboard Input
  17. Conditional Statements
  18. Structural Pattern Matching
  19. Adventure Game with Structural Pattern Matching
  20. While Loops
  21. For Loops
  22. Output with Print
  23. Formatted Output
  24. Working with Dictionaries and while Loops
  25. Functions
  26. Passing Arguments
  27. Parameters And Arguments
  28. Namespaces
  29. Global vs. Local Variables and Namespaces
  30. File Management
  31. Modular Programming and Modules
  32. Packages
  33. Errors and Exception Handling

Object Oriented Programming

  1. Intro to Object Oriented Programming
  2. Object Oriented Programming
  3. Class vs. Instance Attributes
  4. Properties vs. Getters and Setters
  5. Creating Immutable Classes In Python
  6. Dataclasses In Python
  7. Implementing a Custom Property Class
  8. Magic Methods
  9. Dynamic Data Transformation
  10. Introduction to Descriptors
  11. Inheritance
  12. Multiple Inheritance
  13. Multiple Inheritance: Example
  14. Callable Instances of Classes
  15. Slots: Avoiding Dynamically Created Attributes
  16. Polynomial Class
  17. Dynamically Creating Classes with type
  18. Road to Metaclasses
  19. Metaclasses
  20. Count Function calls with the help of a Metaclass
  21. The 'ABC' of Abstract Base Classes
  22. OOP Purely Functional

Advanced Python

  1. Intro to Advanced Python
  2. Recursive Functions
  3. Iterators and Iterables
  4. Generators and Iterators
  5. Lambda Operator, filter, reduce and map
  6. zip introduction and examples
  7. Decorators and Decoration
  8. Memoization and Decorators
  9. Functional Programming OOP
  10. List Comprehension
  11. Function Composition In Python
  12. Currying in Python
  13. Argument Count
  14. Tests, DocTests, UnitTests
  15. Testing with Pytest
  16. Regular Expressions
  17. Advanced Regular Expressions


  1. Annotations
  2. Type Annotations And Hints
  3. Type Annotations For Functions
  4. Type Annotations Decorators
  5. Type Annotation Classes

Applications of Python

  1. Introduction to Applications of Python
  2. sys-Module
  3. Python and the Shell
  4. Forks and Forking
  5. Threads and Threading
  6. Pipes in Python
  7. Python Network Scanner
  8. Graph Theory and Graphs in Python
  9. Finite State Machine in Python
  10. Turing Machine in Python
  11. Levenshtein Distance
  12. Turkish Time and Clock
  13. Towers of Hanoi
  14. Mastermind / Bulls and Cows
  15. Python and SQL
  16. JSON and PYTHON
  17. Musical Scores With Python
  18. Transforming Fibonacci Numbers into Music.
  19. Snake in Python
  20. Python Wordcloud Tutorial

Numerical Programming

  1. Numerical Programming with Python
  2. Introduction to NumPy
  3. Creating Numpy Arrays
  4. Numpy Data Objects, dtype
  5. Numerical Operations on Numpy Arrays
  6. Numpy Arrays: Concatenating, Flattening and Adding Dimensions
  7. Python, Random Numbers and Probability
  8. Weighted Probabilities
  9. Synthetical Test Data With Python
  10. Numpy: Boolean Indexing
  11. Matrix Arithmetics under NumPy and Python
  12. Reading and Writing Data Files: ndarrays
  13. Overview of Matplotlib
  14. Formatting a plot in Matplotlib
  15. Matplotlib Object Hierarchy
  16. Spines and Ticks in Matplotlib
  17. Adding Legends and Annotations in Matplotlib
  18. Creating Subplots in Matplotlib
  19. Gridspec in Matplotlib
  20. Histograms with Matplotlib
  21. Contour Plots with Matplotlib
  22. Image Processing in Python with Matplotlib
  23. Image Processing Techniques with Python and Matplotlib
  24. Creating Videos from One or More Images
  25. Moving Watermarks Video with Python
  26. Introduction to Pandas
  27. Pandas DataFrame
  28. Accessing and Changing values of DataFrames
  29. Pandas Styling
  30. Pandas Pivot
  31. Pandas: groupby
  32. Pandas Groupby Example
  33. Reading and Writing Data in Pandas
  34. Dealing with NaN
  35. Binning in Python and Pandas
  36. Multi-level Indexing in Pandas
  37. Data Visualization with Pandas
  38. Python Date and Time
  39. Time Series in Pandas and Python
  40. Expenses and income example with Pandas and Python
  41. Net Income Method Example with Numpy, Matplotlib and Scipy
  42. Estimation of Corona cases with Python and Pandas
  43. Linear Combinations in Python

Machine Learning

  1. Intro to Machine Learning with Python
  2. Machine Learning with Python
  3. Machine Learning Terminology
  4. Evaluation Metrics
  5. Data Representation and Visualization of Data
  6. Available Data Sets in Sklearn
  7. Artificial Datasets with Scikit-Learn
  8. Train and Test Sets by Splitting Learn and Test Data
  9. k-Nearest Neighbor Classifier in Python
  10. k-Nearest-Neighbor Classifier with sklearn
  11. Neural Networks Introduction
  12. Separating Classes with Dividing Lines
  13. A Simple Neural Network from Scratch in Python
  14. Perceptron class in sklearn
  15. Neural Networks, Structure, Weights and Matrices
  16. Running a Neural Network with Python
  17. Backpropagation in Neural Networks
  18. Training a Neural Network with Python
  19. Softmax as Activation Function
  20. Confusion Matrix in Machine Learning
  21. Training and Testing with MNIST
  22. Dropout Neural Networks in Python
  23. Neural Networks with Scikit
  24. A Neural Network for the Digits Dataset
  25. Naive Bayes Classification with Python
  26. Naive Bayes Classifier with Scikit
  27. Introduction to Text Classification
  28. Text Classification in Python
  29. Natural Language Processing with Python
  30. Natural Language Processing: Classification
  31. Introduction to Regression with Python
  32. Decision Trees in Python
  33. Regression Trees in Python
  34. Random Forests in Python
  35. Boosting Algorithm in Python
  36. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in Python
  37. Linear Discriminant Analysis in Python
  38. Expectation Maximization and Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM)
  39. Introduction to TensorFlow


  1. Tkinter - the Python interface for Tk
  2. Labels in Tkinter
  3. Message widget in Tkinter
  4. Buttons in Tkinter
  5. Variable Classes in Tkinter
  6. Radio Buttons in Tkinter
  7. Checkboxes in Tkinter
  8. Entry Widgets in Tkinter
  9. Canvas Widgets in Tkinter
  10. Sliders in Tkinter
  11. Text Widget in Tkinter
  12. Dialogs in Tkinter
  13. Layout Management in Tkinter
  14. The Game of Life in Python
  15. Bulls and Cows / Mastermind in Tkinter
  16. Menus in Tkinter
  17. Events and Binds in Tkinter


  1. Introduction
  2. Wordle


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