30. Pandas: groupby

By Bernd Klein. Last modified: 03 Feb 2025.

This chapter of our Pandas tutorial deals with an extremely important functionality, i.e. groupby. It is not really complicated, but it is not obvious at first glance and is sometimes found to be difficult. Completely wrong, as we shall see. It is also very important to become familiar with 'groupby' because it can be used to solve important problems that would not be possible without it. The Pandas groupby operation involves some combination of splitting the object, applying a function, and combining the results. We can split a DataFrame object into groups based on various criteria and row and column-wise, i.e. using axis.

splitted banana

'Applying' means

groupby can be applied to Pandas Series objects and DataFrame objects! We will learn to understand how it works with many small practical examples in this tutorial.

goupby with Series

We create with the following Python program a Series object with an index of size nvalues. The index will not be unique, because the strings for the index are taken from the list fruits, which has less elements than nvalues:

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import random

nvalues = 30
# we create random values, which will be used as the Series values:
values = np.random.randint(1, 20, (nvalues,))
fruits = ["bananas", "oranges", "apples", "clementines", "cherries", "pears"]
fruits_index = np.random.choice(fruits, (nvalues,))

s = pd.Series(values, index=fruits_index)


pears           3
pears           1
oranges        14
clementines    15
bananas        18
oranges         3
bananas         9
cherries        3
cherries        4
apples         12
dtype: int64
grouped = s.groupby(s.index)


<pandas.core.groupby.generic.SeriesGroupBy object at 0x7f85100f1b90>

We can see that we get a SeriesGroupBy object, if we apply groupby on the index of our series object s. The result of this operation grouped is iterable. In every step we get a tuple object returned, which consists of an index label and a series object. The series object is s reduced to this label.

grouped = s.groupby(s.index)

for fruit, s_obj in grouped:
    print(f"===== {fruit} =====")


===== apples =====
apples    12
apples     9
apples    11
dtype: int64
===== bananas =====
bananas    18
bananas     9
bananas    12
bananas    15
bananas     5
dtype: int64
===== cherries =====
cherries     3
cherries     4
cherries     3
cherries    13
cherries    18
cherries     2
cherries    11
dtype: int64
===== clementines =====
clementines    15
clementines     7
clementines    18
clementines     9
clementines    18
clementines     4
dtype: int64
===== oranges =====
oranges    14
oranges     3
oranges    16
oranges     9
oranges     3
dtype: int64
===== pears =====
pears     3
pears     1
pears     4
pears    19
dtype: int64

We could have got the same result - except for the order - without using `` groupby '' with the following Python code.

for fruit in set(s.index):
    print(f"===== {fruit} =====")


===== clementines =====
clementines    15
clementines     7
clementines    18
clementines     9
clementines    18
clementines     4
dtype: int64
===== bananas =====
bananas    18
bananas     9
bananas    12
bananas    15
bananas     5
dtype: int64
===== pears =====
pears     3
pears     1
pears     4
pears    19
dtype: int64
===== oranges =====
oranges    14
oranges     3
oranges    16
oranges     9
oranges     3
dtype: int64
===== cherries =====
cherries     3
cherries     4
cherries     3
cherries    13
cherries    18
cherries     2
cherries    11
dtype: int64
===== apples =====
apples    12
apples     9
apples    11
dtype: int64

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groupby with DataFrames

We will start with a very simple DataFrame. The DataFRame has two columns one containing names Name and the other one Coffee contains integers which are the number of cups of coffee the person drank.

import pandas as pd
beverages = pd.DataFrame({'Name': ['Robert', 'Melinda', 'Brenda',
                                   'Samantha', 'Melinda', 'Robert',
                                   'Melinda', 'Brenda', 'Samantha'],
                          'Coffee': [3, 0, 2, 2, 0, 2, 0, 1, 3],
                          'Tea':    [0, 4, 2, 0, 3, 0, 3, 2, 0]})
Name Coffee Tea
0 Robert 3 0
1 Melinda 0 4
2 Brenda 2 2
3 Samantha 2 0
4 Melinda 0 3
5 Robert 2 0
6 Melinda 0 3
7 Brenda 1 2
8 Samantha 3 0

It's simple, and we've already seen in the previous chapters of our tutorial how to calculate the total number of coffee cups. The task is to sum a column of a DatFrame, i.e. the 'Coffee' column:




Let's compute now the total number of coffees and teas:

beverages[['Coffee', 'Tea']].sum()


Coffee    13
Tea       14
dtype: int64

'groupby' has not been necessary for the previous tasks. Let's have a look at our DataFrame again. We can see that some of the names appear multiple times. So it will be very interesting to see how many cups of coffee and tea each person drank in total. That means we are applying 'groupby' to the 'Name' column. Thereby we split the DatFrame. Then we apply 'sum' to the results of 'groupby':

res = beverages.groupby(['Name']).sum()


          Coffee  Tea
Brenda         3    4
Melinda        0   10
Robert         5    0
Samantha       5    0

We can see that the names are now the index of the resulting DataFrame:



Index(['Brenda', 'Melinda', 'Robert', 'Samantha'], dtype='object', name='Name')

There is only one column left, i.e. the Coffee column:



Index(['Coffee', 'Tea'], dtype='object')

We can also calculate the average number of coffee and tea cups the persons had:

Coffee Tea
Brenda 1.5 2.000000
Melinda 0.0 3.333333
Robert 2.5 0.000000
Samantha 2.5 0.000000

Another Example

The following Python code is used to create the data, we will use in our next groupby example. It is not necessary to understand the following Python code for the content following afterwards. The module faker has to be installed. In cae of an Anaconda installation this can be done by executing one of the following commands in a shell:

conda install -c conda-forge faker
conda install -c conda-forge/label/gcc7 faker
conda install -c conda-forge/label/cf201901 faker
conda install -c conda-forge/label/cf202003 faker 
from faker import Faker
import numpy as np
from itertools import chain

fake = Faker('de_DE')

number_of_names = 10
names = []
for _ in range(number_of_names):

data = {}
workweek = ("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday")
weekend = ("Saturday", "Sunday")

for day in chain(workweek, weekend):
    data[day] = np.random.randint(0, 10, (number_of_names,))
data_df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=names)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Kristina 8 9 7 4 0 7 6
Zofia 2 9 7 8 6 7 9
Sahin 1 7 4 2 6 1 0
Giuseppe 2 5 8 3 6 1 6
Ulrich 7 6 3 0 4 8 2
Hans-Michael 2 0 8 3 4 7 9
Karl-Werner 7 0 5 0 4 6 0
Ludmila 5 3 6 0 8 0 3
Peter 0 4 5 2 7 1 5
Margret 2 2 3 7 4 5 0


['Kristina', 'Zofia', 'Sahin', 'Giuseppe', 'Ulrich', 'Hans-Michael', 'Karl-Werner', 'Ludmila', 'Peter', 'Margret']
names = ('Ortwin', 'Mara', 'Siegrun', 'Sylvester', 'Metin', 'Adeline', 'Utz', 'Susan', 'Gisbert', 'Senol')
data = {'Monday': np.array([0, 9, 2, 3, 7, 3, 9, 2, 4, 9]),
        'Tuesday': np.array([2, 6, 3, 3, 5, 5, 7, 7, 1, 0]),
        'Wednesday': np.array([6, 1, 1, 9, 4, 0, 8, 6, 8, 8]),
        'Thursday': np.array([1, 8, 6, 9, 9, 4, 1, 7, 3, 2]),
        'Friday': np.array([3, 5, 6, 6, 5, 2, 2, 4, 6, 5]),
        'Saturday': np.array([8, 4, 8, 2, 3, 9, 3, 4, 9, 7]),
        'Sunday': np.array([0, 8, 7, 8, 9, 7, 2, 0, 5, 2])}

data_df = pd.DataFrame(data, index=names)
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Ortwin 0 2 6 1 3 8 0
Mara 9 6 1 8 5 4 8
Siegrun 2 3 1 6 6 8 7
Sylvester 3 3 9 9 6 2 8
Metin 7 5 4 9 5 3 9
Adeline 3 5 0 4 2 9 7
Utz 9 7 8 1 2 3 2
Susan 2 7 6 7 4 4 0
Gisbert 4 1 8 3 6 9 5
Senol 9 0 8 2 5 7 2

We will demonstrate with this DataFrame how to combine columns by a function.

def is_weekend(day):
    if day in {'Saturday', 'Sunday'}:
        return "Weekend"
        return "Workday"
for res_func, df in data_df.T.groupby(by=is_weekend):


          Ortwin  Mara  Siegrun  Sylvester  Metin  Adeline  Utz  Susan  \
Saturday       8     4        8          2      3        9    3      4   
Sunday         0     8        7          8      9        7    2      0   

          Gisbert  Senol  
Saturday        9      7  
Sunday          5      2  
           Ortwin  Mara  Siegrun  Sylvester  Metin  Adeline  Utz  Susan  \
Monday          0     9        2          3      7        3    9      2   
Tuesday         2     6        3          3      5        5    7      7   
Wednesday       6     1        1          9      4        0    8      6   
Thursday        1     8        6          9      9        4    1      7   
Friday          3     5        6          6      5        2    2      4   

           Gisbert  Senol  
Monday           4      9  
Tuesday          1      0  
Wednesday        8      8  
Thursday         3      2  
Friday           6      5  
Ortwin Mara Siegrun Sylvester Metin Adeline Utz Susan Gisbert Senol
Weekend 8 12 15 10 12 16 5 4 14 9
Workday 12 29 18 30 30 14 27 26 22 24


Exercise 1

Calculate the average prices of the products of the following DataFrame:

import pandas as pd

d = {"products": ["Oppilume", "Dreaker", "Lotadilo", 
                  "Crosteron", "Wazzasoft", "Oppilume", 
                  "Dreaker", "Lotadilo", "Wazzasoft"],
     "colours": ["blue", "blue", "blue", 
                 "green", "blue", "green", 
                 "green", "green", "red"],
     "customer_price": [2345.89, 2390.50, 1820.00, 
                        3100.00, 1784.50, 2545.89,
                        2590.50, 2220.00, 2084.50],
     "non_customer_price": [2445.89, 2495.50, 1980.00, 
                            3400.00, 1921.00, 2645.89, 
                            2655.50, 2140.00, 2190.00]}

product_prices = pd.DataFrame(d)
products colours customer_price non_customer_price
0 Oppilume blue 2345.89 2445.89
1 Dreaker blue 2390.50 2495.50
2 Lotadilo blue 1820.00 1980.00
3 Crosteron green 3100.00 3400.00
4 Wazzasoft blue 1784.50 1921.00
5 Oppilume green 2545.89 2645.89
6 Dreaker green 2590.50 2655.50
7 Lotadilo green 2220.00 2140.00
8 Wazzasoft red 2084.50 2190.00

Exercise 2

Calculate the sum of the price according to the colours.

Exercise 3

Read in the project_times.txt file from the data1 directory. This rows of this file contain comma separated the date, the name of the programmer, the name of the project, the time the programmer spent on the project.

Calculate the time spend on all the projects per day

Exercise 4

Create a DateFrame containing the total times spent on a project per day by all the programmers

Exercise 5

Calculate the total times spent on the projects over the whole month.

Exercise 6

Calculate the monthly times of each programmer regardless of the projects

Exercise 7

Rearrange the DataFrame with a MultiIndex consisting of the date and the project names, the columns should be the programmer names and the data of the columns the time of the programmers spent on the projects.

programmer         Antonie  Elise  Fatima  Hella  Mariola
date     project
2020-01-01 BIRDY   NaN      NaN    NaN     1.50   1.75
           NSTAT   NaN      NaN    0.25    NaN    1.25
           XTOR    NaN      NaN    NaN     1.00   3.50
2020-01-02 BIRDY   NaN      NaN    NaN     1.75   2.00
           NSTAT   0.5      NaN    NaN     NaN    1.75

Replace the NaN values by 0.

Exercise 8:

The folder data contains a file donation.txt with the following data:


group the data by the job of the persons.

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Solution to Exercise 1

average_prices = product_prices.groupby(["products", "colours"]).mean()



                   customer_price  non_customer_price
products  colours                                    
Crosteron green           3100.00             3400.00
Dreaker   blue            2390.50             2495.50
          green           2590.50             2655.50
Lotadilo  blue            1820.00             1980.00
          green           2220.00             2140.00
Oppilume  blue            2345.89             2445.89
          green           2545.89             2645.89
Wazzasoft blue            1784.50             1921.00
          red             2084.50             2190.00

Solution to Exercise 2

x = product_prices[['colours', 'customer_price', 'non_customer_price']].groupby('colours').sum()
customer_price non_customer_price
blue 8340.89 8842.39
green 10456.39 10841.39
red 2084.50 2190.00
# better
sum_of_prices = product_prices.drop(columns=["products"]).groupby("colours").sum()



         customer_price  non_customer_price
blue            8340.89             8842.39
green          10456.39            10841.39
red             2084.50             2190.00
# or
product_prices[['colours', 'customer_price', 'non_customer_price']].groupby("colours").sum()
customer_price non_customer_price
blue 8340.89 8842.39
green 10456.39 10841.39
red 2084.50 2190.00

Solution to Exercise 3

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv("../data1/project_times.txt", index_col=0)
programmer project time
2020-01-01 Hella XTOR 1.00
2020-01-01 Hella BIRDY 1.50
2020-01-01 Fatima NSTAT 0.25
2020-01-01 Mariola NSTAT 0.50
2020-01-01 Mariola BIRDY 1.75
... ... ... ...
2030-01-30 Antonie XTOR 0.50
2030-01-31 Hella BIRDY 1.25
2030-01-31 Hella BIRDY 1.75
2030-01-31 Mariola BIRDY 1.00
2030-01-31 Hella BIRDY 1.00

17492 rows × 3 columns

times_per_day = df['time'].groupby(df.index).sum()


2020-01-01     9.25
2020-01-02     6.00
2020-01-03     2.50
2020-01-06     5.75
2020-01-07    15.00
2020-01-08    13.25
2020-01-09    10.25
2020-01-10    17.00
2020-01-13     4.75
2020-01-14    10.00
Name: time, dtype: float64

Solution to Exercise 4

times_per_day_project = df[['project', 'time']].groupby([df.index, 'project']).sum()


date       project      
2020-01-01 BIRDY    3.25
           NSTAT    1.50
           XTOR     4.50
2020-01-02 BIRDY    3.75
           NSTAT    2.25
2020-01-03 BIRDY    1.00
           NSTAT    0.25
           XTOR     1.25
2020-01-06 BIRDY    2.75
           NSTAT    0.75

Solution to Exercise 5

df[['project', 'time']].groupby(['project']).sum()
BIRDY 9605.75
NSTAT 8707.75
XTOR 6427.50

Solution to Exercise 6

df[['programmer', 'time']].groupby(['programmer']).sum()
Antonie 1511.25
Elise 80.00
Fatima 593.00
Hella 10642.00
Mariola 11914.75

Solution to Exercise 7

x = df.groupby([df.index, 'project', 'programmer']).sum()

x = x.unstack()
programmer Antonie Elise Fatima Hella Mariola
date project
2020-01-01 BIRDY NaN NaN NaN 1.50 1.75
NSTAT NaN NaN 0.25 NaN 1.25
XTOR NaN NaN NaN 1.00 3.50
2020-01-02 BIRDY NaN NaN NaN 1.75 2.00
NSTAT 0.5 NaN NaN NaN 1.75
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
2030-01-29 XTOR NaN NaN NaN 1.00 5.50
2030-01-30 BIRDY NaN NaN NaN 0.75 4.75
NSTAT NaN NaN NaN 3.75 NaN
XTOR 0.5 NaN NaN 0.75 NaN
2030-01-31 BIRDY NaN NaN NaN 4.00 1.00

7037 rows × 5 columns

x = x.fillna(0)


programmer         Antonie Elise Fatima Hella Mariola
date       project                                   
2020-01-01 BIRDY      0.00   0.0   0.00  1.50    1.75
           NSTAT      0.00   0.0   0.25  0.00    1.25
           XTOR       0.00   0.0   0.00  1.00    3.50
2020-01-02 BIRDY      0.00   0.0   0.00  1.75    2.00
           NSTAT      0.50   0.0   0.00  0.00    1.75
2020-01-03 BIRDY      0.00   0.0   1.00  0.00    0.00
           NSTAT      0.25   0.0   0.00  0.00    0.00
           XTOR       0.00   0.0   0.00  0.50    0.75
2020-01-06 BIRDY      0.00   0.0   0.00  2.50    0.25
           NSTAT      0.00   0.0   0.00  0.00    0.75

Solution to Exercise 8:

import pandas as pd

data = pd.read_csv('../data/donations.txt')
firstname surname city job income donations
0 Janett Schwital Karlsruhe Politician 244400 2512
1 Daniele Segebahn Freiburg Student 16800 336
2 Kirstin Klapp Hamburg Engineer 116900 1479
3 Oswald Segebahn Köln Musician 57700 1142
4 Heinz-Joachim Wagner Stuttgart Engineer 109300 1592
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
95 Georgine Köster Stuttgart Manager 364300 1487
96 Dagmar Käster Stuttgart Student 12800 256
97 Hubert Mosemann Köln Engineer 119300 1308
98 Susanne Heidrich Karlsruhe Politician 295600 3364
99 Philomena Grein Groth Freiburg Engineer 100700 1288

100 rows × 6 columns

data_sum = data[['job', 'income', 'donations']].groupby(['job']).sum()
income donations
Student 372900 7458
Musician 1448700 24376
Engineer 2067200 25564
Politician 4118300 30758
Manager 12862600 87475
data_sum['relative'] = data_sum.donations * 100 / data_sum.income

income donations relative
Manager 12862600 87475 0.680072
Politician 4118300 30758 0.746862
Engineer 2067200 25564 1.236649
Musician 1448700 24376 1.682612
Student 372900 7458 2.000000

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