1. Machine Learning with Python

By Bernd Klein. Last modified: 16 Jan 2024.

Data sets and Visualization

What is Machine Learning?

Machine learning is a subfield of Artificial Intelligence (AI). So what is Artificial Intelligence?

Andrew Moore, former Dean of the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University, defined it as follows: "Artificial intelligence is the science and engineering of making computers behave in ways that, until recently, we thought required human intelligence."

The question "What is artificial intelligence?" depends on the answer to a more general question: "What is intelligence?"

It shows extremels hard to answer the previous question.

To get closer to the answers we can divide AI into to partitions:

weak AI and strong AI

weak AI:

strong AI:

We know now about Artificial Intelligence and Weak and Strong AI, but what about Machine Learning?

Let's start with a very "old" attempt at a definition by Arthur Samuek, an IBM pioneer:

"Machine Learning: Field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed."

A good attempt, but many questions remain unanswered. Almost 40 years later, in 1998, Tom Mitchell shaped a "well-off learning problem" as follows:

"Well posed Learning Problem: A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some task T and some performance measure P, if its performance on T, as measured by P, improves with experience E."

Annotation: A mathematical problem is called correctly (also well-posed, well-posed or properly posed) if the following conditions are met:

So what is Machine Learning?

Let's start with a very "old" attempt at a definition by Arthur Samuek, an IBM pioneer:

"Machine Learning: Field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed."

A commendable effort, but many questions remain unanswered. Above all one important question: What is learning? Nearly 40 years later, in 1988, another pioneer in machine learning, Tom Mitchell, formulates a "well-posed learning problem" as follows.

"Well posed Learning Problem: A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some task T and some performance measure P, if its performance on T, as measured by P, improves with experience E.“

Machine learning means that an algorithm (the machine) learns automatically. This means that it is capable of extracting the necessary knowledge from given data automatically. The goal is to make predictions on new, unseen data. There is another way of putting it: In traditional heuristic decision-making algorithms, the programmers set the rules according to which the decisions are made. With machine learning, this is done independently by the program without interence from human beings!

Who makes the rules?

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Machine learning taxonomy

There are two different approaches to Machine Learning:

Machine learning taxonomy

Supervised Learning

In supervised learning, we have a dataset that consists of both input features and a desired outcome, as in the example of Spam/No-Spam. The task is to create a model (or program) that can predict the desired output of an unknown object based on its features.

Some more complex examples include:

These tasks share the characteristic that there is one or more unknown quantities associated with the object that need to be inferred from observed features.

Supervised learning is further divided into two categories:

In a nutshell: Classification involves the prediction of a label, while regression involves the prediction of a quantity.

For example, determining which animal ("Dog," "Cat," "Cow," "Sheep") is depicted in an image is a classification problem, involving four distinct categories, i.e. the four animal kinds. On the other hand, estimating the age of an object based on some observations would be a regression problem because the label (age) is a continuous quantity.

In supervised learning, a distinction is always made between a training set (dataset) where the desired outcome is provided or known and a test set where the desired outcome needs to be inferred or calculated. The learning model adjusts the prediction model to the training set, and we use the test set to evaluate its generalization performance.

Unsupervised Learning

In "Unsupervised Learning," no desired output is assigned to the data. Instead, the goal is to extract some form of knowledge or model from the given data. In a sense, unsupervised learning can be thought of as a means to discover labels from the data itself. Unsupervised learning is often more challenging to comprehend and evaluate.

Unsupervised learning encompasses tasks such as dimensionality reduction, clustering, and density estimation. For instance, in the previously discussed Iris dataset, unsupervised methods can be used to determine combinations of measurements that best represent the data's structure.

Sometimes, the two types of learning can be combined: for example, unsupervised learning can be used to identify useful features in heterogeneous data, and these features can then be utilized in a supervised framework.

Examples for machine learning:

As already mentioned, a spam filter could be implemented using a classifier based on machine learning.

At the heart of machine learning is the concept of automating decision making from data without the user specifying explicit rules on how to make that decision. In the case of emails, the user does not provide a list of words or features that spam an email. Instead, the user provides examples of spam and non-spam emails that are marked as such. This is the so-called learning set.

The goal of a machine learning model is to predict new, previously invisible data. In a real application, we are not interested in marking an already marked email as spam or not. Instead, we want to make life easier for users by automatically classifying new incoming emails.

These examples are then learned or trained by the algorithm:

Supervised learning training phase

After the learning phase, we have to evaluate the classifier. We test both on labeled learning data and on non-learned labeled test data:

Supervised learning evaluation phase

If we are satisfied with the results, the classifier is ready to classify completely new documents:

Supervised learning prediction

The data is presented to the algorithm usually as a two-dimensional array (or matrix) of numbers. Each data point (also known as a sample or training instance) that we want to either learn from or make a decision on is represented as a list of numbers, a so-called feature vector, and its containing features represent the properties of this point.

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